About the Conference

As stated in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [(Winter 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)] progress can be distinguished relative to science: economical (the increased funding of scientific research), professional (the rising status of the scientists and their academic institutions in the society), educational (the increased skill and expertise of the scientists), methodical (the invention of new methods of research, the refinement of scientific instruments), and cognitive (increase or advancement of scientific knowledge). Scientific progress can and do impact technological progress (increased effectiveness of tools and techniques) and social progress (economic prosperity, quality of life, justice in society).

In the pursuit of knowledge and development humans has over the years made rapid progress in science. Scientific research and development has often broken barriers and made the unthinkable happen. Science has gripped every aspect of human life viz. agriculture, energy, space technology, medicines, communication and the list goes on and on.

It is imperative to realise that progress opens the door to new challenges. When one refer to challenges and progress in science, challenges could be viewed in two perspectives. One of them is in the pursuit of progress itself and the other is on the outcome of the progress. The advancement of research itself is replete with umpteen problems. The endeavour of the scientific community has always been to acknowledge, understand and overcome the challenges.

In order to make an attempt towards celebrating the progress and recognising the challenges that scientific research entails, we propose to hold an International Conference on “Progress and Challenges of Modern Day Science” PCMDS-21). The conference is expected to draw the attention and participation of researchers, scientists, and professors across the globe.

The conference comprises of Plenary Lecture (PL), Invited Lectures (IL), Short Invited Lectures (SIL), Students oral presentations (OP) and Poster Presentations (PP) on virtual platform.